It is a source of energy - in other words a Reactor
The Reactor is a mysterious, huge, pyramid-like geometrical Art structure. From every angle it reveals different shapes, alignments and formations.
The idea that good creates good and love creates love are commonly known, however few are aware that an observer of such acts of good and love is also rewarded by a small boost of oxytocin - inducing positive feelings, which in turn induce similar positive actions by that observer ! This triangular relationship has led to the creation of this piece.

On the less philosophical level, the structure is a meeting point and melting pot for the wanderers, enabling relationships creation, collaborations, spiritual and artistic expressions. It is a vessel which enables beautiful minds encounter and react with each – simply having fun and spreading positive reaction among its habitants out to the world, wherever it goes.

Connected to everything. Attached to nothing
The Reactor is a project aiming to facilitate a variety of human interactions and relationships, as well as self-reflection, resulting in creativity, inner peace as well as a stimulation of visual and physical activity. It allows for exploration of its design, meditation, intention setting, act as a meeting point, place of rest, taking shelter, swinging, climbing, yoga palace, photography art stimulation and a beautifully lit up dancing area available for any art-car or other music project to partner with.
We need you!
Whatever talent you may have - you can become part of it

The Reactor Project is fully self-funded, hence your contribution is vital to make the project rise in the Black Rock City.
Your pledge to our fundraising campaign will enable us to buy necessary materials, construct parts of The Reactor,
transport them and enable the final installation on the Playa.
To make the project happen in its core version of base structure with simple but glorious led lightning, we need to collect $45k.
Anything above it up to our full pledge amount will allow us to make the Reactor truly spectacular through the addition of fire throwing towers, video projection equipment and comfort-adding decoration.
We are looking for YOU!
It is the Volunteers that make dreams like Reactor come true.
21st-30th of june we are going to have a phase-1 of the Reactor build in Reno. We need help! If you are handy, hard working, and would like to be a part of our magical creation – get in touch!
Volunteering opportunities besides construction includes
online help with communications and pr, leave-no-trace shifts, lightning solutions, photo/video support and any other ideas/talents you may have!
We appreciate your radical contribution and radical collaboration.
Send us a message!